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Crosby is a coastal town located in the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton in Merseyside, England. The town is home to 10,356 residents and boasts a rich history, beautiful beaches, and an array of cultural attractions. One of the main attractions in Crosby is the Antony Gormley sculpture, "Another Place," which features 100 iron figures spread out along the beach. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the promenade and take in the unique artwork. Crosby is also home to the Crosby Beach, a popular destination for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. The beach has been awarded the prestigious Blue Flag award for its cleanliness and high-quality facilities. Other popular attractions in Crosby include the Marine Lake, a popular spot for fishing, walking, and birdwatching, and the Crosby Civic Hall, a venue for concerts, exhibitions, and other events. There are also several historical landmarks in Crosby, including the St. Luke's Church, a Grade II listed building, and the Crosby Hall, a medieval manor house. If you're looking for shopping and dining options, Crosby offers a variety of independent stores and restaurants, as well as national chains. The Crosby Market is a great place to find locally sourced produce and handmade crafts. Overall, Crosby is a charming and picturesque town with something for everyone. Whether you're interested in art, history, or outdoor activities, you'll find plenty to do in Crosby.

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